
Reason to Smile was founded in 2021 by my wife and I to help support the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital. The following excerpt explains the motivation for this campaign:

“There are many reasons to smile when living in the Low Country, but the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital holds a very special place in the hearts of Dr. Bellebaum and his family. His youngest son was born prematurely and spent nineteen days in the NICU. The nurses and doctors at MUSC saved his life, and for that, Dr. Bellebaum’s family will be eternally grateful. Every year during the month of September, we will be donating $20 to the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital for each new patient we see in our office. The hospital’s impact on healthcare for children in our town and state is immeasurable and we hope our contributions can continue to support research and funding for continual improvements.”

Reason to Smile is especially blessed to have such great friends and neighbors from local businesses who have partnered with us. We truly thank all these donors for their continued support.


Andrew P. Bellebaum, DMD